Saturday, January 28, 2017

Just Another Brick in the Wall (That We're Going to Pay For)

Never having been one for the great outdoors, I generally consider walls to be a good thing. They keep the bugs out and the air conditioning in. They're fun to paint and hang things on. My very extensive collection of color swatches and tattered Nirvana posters is a testament to my love of things wall related.

Yet, somehow, people have managed to turn something as simple as a wall into a monument of hate, wastefulness, and ego. Will we ever learn? Probably not if Betsy DeVos gets a confirmation, but let's just focus on one horror at time here.

In recent developments from the How to be On the Wrong Side of History Handbook, talks of building the U.S.-Mexico border wall have resumed. For, perhaps the first time ever, a politician threatening to actually follow through with a core campaign promise has managed to set off alarm bells.

First, let's pretend that Trump's reasons for wanting to build this wall aren't as nefarious as Ramsay Bolton's motivations for pet adoption. Just from a practical standpoint, this wall is gonna cost us. Big time.

So, remember all that talk about Mexico paying for the wall? Well, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, was having none of that. Which, in turn, led to two grown men (who are in charge of nations of people) having a war of "Nuh uh...I totally cancelled first. You didn't break up with me, I totes broke up with you," in response to a breakdown in relations that prompted the scrapping of a face to face meeting scheduled for January 31st.

So, if Mexico won't agree to just go ahead and pay for the wall to keep out all the drugs dealers, criminals, and rapists out of our great nation, we will just tax the money out of them. They will have no choice except to bow down and cower in fear at the threat of a 20% import tax that in no way will adversely effect the US population.  Makes total sense, except for the fact that it in no way does.

Now, with my amazing powers of research and super sleuthing skills (aka. googling junk), it's pretty obvious that we kinda need (or have at least grown accustom to) imported Mexican goods.  In fact, Mexico is our third largest trading partner, and we import more from them than we export. It doesn't take a financial genius assume that the Mexican government will just pass this tax directly onto the consumer by imposing the same tax on US exports. In fact, that's exactly what former Mexican president Vincente Fox Quesada tweeted:

Let me put this is laymen's terms. Tequila and guacamole is about to cost us about 20% more so that we can pay for this stupid wall, if the import tax plan is implemented. If it isn't and there's no backup, the American taxpayers will just foot the bill directly. You know, in the name of expediency.

I'm hoping that by now you are wondering, "What can I do about this?! I hate pointless walls and love margaritas. There must be something that can be done?"

Since Congress must first approve the spending of taxpayer money on a border wall, the first line of defense is to contact your representatives and voice your concerns directly.

If you want to try and work with more directly with border advocacy groups check out this list and consider donating either money or time.

Finally, check Facebook, Twitter, and local print publications for marches and rallies in support of sane border and immigration policies. If you do attend a march or rally, consider celebrating after with a Nasty Woman cocktail, while they are still 20% more affordable.

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