Thursday, January 26, 2017

Boring crap you should be doing instead of binge watching Gilmore Girls

I *hate* running. I like the cute clothes, but, in my experience, 90% of the time running is pure torture. However...


Unfortunately, what is good for us isn't always the most pleasant. With that being said, the Women's March on Washington and worldwide sister marches were amazing. Early reports are speculating that it was the largest protest ever, spanning all seven continents (shout out to Antarctica for making sure that that happened). As far as protests go, this one trained in space and reached a power level of over 9,000. Which again, is cool. But, now what?

I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the D.C. march and hear Madonna talk about blowing up the White House in person. And then I watched the clip over and over again at home. I sat at my computer and had a good chuckle over all the amazing, creative, and hilarious signs that people made. I got into Facebook arguments with people I don't even know about why the march was necessary. While all of this was entertaining and made me feel good, I have to admit that it wasn't actually accomplishing much. Guilt set in. I had the realization of "Oh crap, I actually should do something useful." 

Luckily for me, the organizers of the Women's March are amazing and much better at the "doing stuff" part than I am. Less boring crap that I have to figure out on my own is always good in my book. 

The 10 Actions / 100 Days Campaign is a great resource for all us faced with the "now what" aftermath of the marches. Added bonus: this first action can be done while binge watching Gilmore Girls.

The concept is simple: flood your Senators with postcards voicing your concerns. Let them know that this doesn't end with the march. Remind them that many of them are up for re-election in two years and you are paying attention. You are angry. Their incompetence and lack of compassion has awakened, horrified, and mobilized you in a way that is unprecedented. To get started click here to download or print your own postcards. For extra credit, try and make the paperwork portion less boring. Maybe host a beer, pizza, postcard writing night? Maybe invite me over? I do make a mean vegan meat lover's pizza. 

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